*****Avengers: Age of Ultron discussion*****

70,444 Views | 447 Replies | Last: 9 yr ago by rhutton125
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I seriously think the best moment was wasted in the trailer, when Iron Man donned the Hulk-buster suit. Imagine if that was the first time the audience had seen it? I think that would have been a really cool moment.
That's a REALLY irritating trend in movie marketing these days. And not just by Marvel. Almost all the really good moments/jokes are given away in the trailers, or in the clips shown during interviews on talk shows.
Stop watching trailers then. Especially if you know you'll end up watching the movie regardless.
M.C. Swag
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I seriously think the best moment was wasted in the trailer, when Iron Man donned the Hulk-buster suit. Imagine if that was the first time the audience had seen it? I think that would have been a really cool moment.
That's a REALLY irritating trend in movie marketing these days. And not just by Marvel. Almost all the really good moments/jokes are given away in the trailers, or in the clips shown during interviews on talk shows.
Stop watching trailers then. Especially if you know you'll end up watching the movie regardless.
Have you actually tried this before? Let me know how that goes the next marketing tsunami for Avengers: Infinity Wars comes around. Between commercials and facebook or Reddit, it would be near impossible to "simply ignore it."
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I seriously think the best moment was wasted in the trailer, when Iron Man donned the Hulk-buster suit. Imagine if that was the first time the audience had seen it? I think that would have been a really cool moment.
That's a REALLY irritating trend in movie marketing these days. And not just by Marvel. Almost all the really good moments/jokes are given away in the trailers, or in the clips shown during interviews on talk shows.
Stop watching trailers then. Especially if you know you'll end up watching the movie regardless.
Easier said than done. And yes, my own curiosity has a lot to do with it.
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I actually managed to avoid all but the very first trailer for Ultron. It helped that there weren't alot of good movies to see in theaters for the past few months, and without football being on I watch basically 0 live TV. There were a few times when I had to change the channel or avert my gaze, but I went in largely spoiler free. That said, I was trying to do the same thing for Jurassic Park and had it ruined by the 15 minute infomercial for it before AoU.
Brian Earl Spilner
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Was checking out the box office so far and it looks like it's gonna fall way short of Avengers' $623m domestic gross.

I know it's still super early, but I'm guessing ~$450m. Which is obviously still massive. Unless of course it has a huge second weekend.
M.C. Swag
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Was checking out the box office so far and it looks like it's gonna fall way short of Avengers' $623m domestic gross.

I know it's still super early, but I'm guessing ~$450m. Which is obviously still massive. Unless of course it has a huge second weekend.
I think the first weekend had alot going against it (The Kentucky Derby, Mayweather/Pacquiao, Spurs/Clippers game 7) but I would expect a strong 2nd weekend with little competition in theatres until Pitch Perfect 2 and Mad Max land 2 weeks from now.
Brian Earl Spilner
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True. If it makes more than $95m or so, I think it has a shot at $500m+. (Avengers did $103m in its second weekend.)

But $600m is not gonna happen.
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Finally got around to seeing it...loved it but I definitely agree that it has the "middle movie" vibe. I think Ultron's badness was kind of lost in the swift pace of everything. He went from being barely "alive" to wreaking havoc in Korea to dying so fast, it seemed.

I'm wondering, if the Vision has the Mind Gem, is he either gonna have to be killed at some point or will the Mind Gem be one of the (or the) last Infinity Stones that Thanos will be after...maybe he will be one of the Avengers killed off in part one of IW...
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I'm wondering, if the Vision has the Mind Gem, is he either gonna have to be killed at some point or will the Mind Gem be one of the (or the) last Infinity Stones that Thanos will be after...maybe he will be one of the Avengers killed off in part one of IW...
I don't remember Vision in Tony's dream that Wanda gave him, but I have to wonder if besides Tony's fear it was a bit of foreshadowing of things to come. Not saying that they all die, but that in IW something will happen that will decimate the Avengers.
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And I can't explain why but my girl Scarlett was looking extra fine as BW in this one vs previous MCU appearances. What a fox.
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I seriously think the best moment was wasted in the trailer, when Iron Man donned the Hulk-buster suit. Imagine if that was the first time the audience had seen it? I think that would have been a really cool moment.
That's a REALLY irritating trend in movie marketing these days. And not just by Marvel. Almost all the really good moments/jokes are given away in the trailers, or in the clips shown during interviews on talk shows.
Stop watching trailers then. Especially if you know you'll end up watching the movie regardless.
Have you actually tried this before? Let me know how that goes the next marketing tsunami for Avengers: Infinity Wars comes around. Between commercials and facebook or Reddit, it would be near impossible to "simply ignore it."
Yes I have. I do it very often and it works well. Not that hard either, just gotta not worry about looking like a dork when a commercial comes on. You won't block everything out - and I usually allow myself to look at posters - but it's worth how much more you get pulled into the movie and the world it creates. It also adds to the suspension when you have no idea if a certain character will make it out or not, because the trailer had a scene with said character that hadn't happened yet.
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I actually managed to avoid all but the very first trailer for Ultron. It helped that there weren't alot of good movies to see in theaters for the past few months, and without football being on I watch basically 0 live TV. There were a few times when I had to change the channel or avert my gaze, but I went in largely spoiler free. That said, I was trying to do the same thing for Jurassic Park and had it ruined by the 15 minute infomercial for it before AoU.
Nothing wrong with walking out during the trailers... Gives you a perfectly timed pee break.

I walked out for I think Tomorrowland (maybe it was a different movie), and when I walked back I heard Star Wars music and immediately shut the theater door and waited a few more minutes.
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I actually managed to avoid all but the very first trailer for Ultron. It helped that there weren't alot of good movies to see in theaters for the past few months, and without football being on I watch basically 0 live TV. There were a few times when I had to change the channel or avert my gaze, but I went in largely spoiler free. That said, I was trying to do the same thing for Jurassic Park and had it ruined by the 15 minute infomercial for it before AoU.
Nothing wrong with walking out during the trailers... Gives you a perfectly timed pee break.

I walked out for I think Tomorrowland (maybe it was a different movie), and when I walked back I heard Star Wars music and immediately shut the theater door and waited a few more minutes.

That is the definition of will power!
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Maybe it's because I don't read the comics, but I don't get why everyone is so in love with vision. To be honest, his appearance looked kind of silly to me. As for his powers, it seemed mainly to be strength and somehow a laser beam from the jewel.

1. Embodies Jarvis, who I think it's safe to say everyone loves
2. Purity of purpose and motive in a world full of grey
3. Totally owns an Infinity Stone
4. Cool powers (flight, phasing, energy projection)
5. Paul Bettany
6. Has probably the greatest moment in the film, maybe the whole MCU

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Finally saw it today. Did no one else think that maybe Wanda had got to Clint when they show the gang at his place with a wife and kids for him? PS- never a bad thing to see Linda Cardellini
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And I can't explain why but my girl Scarlett was looking extra fine as BW in this one vs previous MCU appearances. What a fox.
Glowing from pregnancy
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The more I think about it, the more I like this movie. It's not as incredible as the first one, but having seen it so many times, it's nice to skip all the team origin story and jump right into things. See where it goes from here, if you will.

Also, I wasn't alive yet when The Empire Strikes Back came out, but I imagine a bit of a similar situation there. I know my parents were pissed at how cliffhanger-y that one was. Empires is often described as the darkest of the trilogy, which is good, and true... and yet when I draw comparisons to AoU, I sometimes wonder why that is. Obi-wan died in the original Star Wars - there were no deaths in Empires. Han gets frozen, but immediately after they say "he's alive" and he gets saved within 30 minutes of Return of the Jedi.

I guess you could say that Empires had the feeling that anyone could die (even Luke, who nearly bought it when facing Vader), whereas that's not quite the case in these Marvel films. But Quicksilver does die, and 4 of the 6 original Avengers seem to have left the team. That may prove to be about as permanent as Han's imprisonment, but at least it's something.

I guess it all depends on the state of things during Civil War - if Age of Ultron seems to have had no repercussions, then perhaps we'll look back on this one and say "it was cool, but not a lot happened." But if we don't see Iron Man, Cap, Hulk and Hawkeye fighting together again for a long time, maybe we will look back and say "man, the Avengers as we know them ended with this film." And that's kind of cool.

As someone who is just eating up everything Marvel puts out, I think this was a really solid movie. A lot of moving parts. Here's hoping Ant-Man can keep the trend going.
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I guess it all depends on the state of things during Civil War - if Age of Ultron seems to have had no repercussions, then perhaps we'll look back on this one and say "it was cool, but not a lot happened." But if we don't see Iron Man, Cap, Hulk and Hawkeye fighting together again for a long time, maybe we will look back and say "man, the Avengers as we know them ended with this film." And that's kind of cool.

That's exactly how I think people are going to have to view the Avengers and Captain America movies, and maybe even the next Thor movie....as part of a whole. Sure you can discuss the merits of each individually, but IMO you'll have to judge the "Avengers" series as a whole if you're going to try and be fair to the movies.

Now, the other planned movies (Dr. Strang, Black Panther, etc.), obviously they'll connect to the core "Avengers" series, but I think (hope) they'll be more stand alone in nature and can be appreciated on their own merits.

Avengers 2 on its own may not be as good as Avengers 1 (in some people's opinion) but I just dont think you can judge it on its own now. I think you have to view it and the first movie (and eventually the next two) as a whole. And in that respect, I think it's fantastic.
Fat Bib Fortuna
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The more I think about it, the more I like this movie. It's not as incredible as the first one, but having seen it so many times, it's nice to skip all the team origin story and jump right into things. See where it goes from here, if you will.

Also, I wasn't alive yet when The Empire Strikes Back came out, but I imagine a bit of a similar situation there. I know my parents were pissed at how cliffhanger-y that one was. Empires is often described as the darkest of the trilogy, which is good, and true... and yet when I draw comparisons to AoU, I sometimes wonder why that is. Obi-wan died in the original Star Wars - there were no deaths in Empires. Han gets frozen, but immediately after they say "he's alive" and he gets saved within 30 minutes of Return of the Jedi.

I guess you could say that Empires had the feeling that anyone could die (even Luke, who nearly bought it when facing Vader), whereas that's not quite the case in these Marvel films. But Quicksilver does die, and 4 of the 6 original Avengers seem to have left the team. That may prove to be about as permanent as Han's imprisonment, but at least it's something.

I guess it all depends on the state of things during Civil War - if Age of Ultron seems to have had no repercussions, then perhaps we'll look back on this one and say "it was cool, but not a lot happened." But if we don't see Iron Man, Cap, Hulk and Hawkeye fighting together again for a long time, maybe we will look back and say "man, the Avengers as we know them ended with this film." And that's kind of cool.

As someone who is just eating up everything Marvel puts out, I think this was a really solid movie. A lot of moving parts. Here's hoping Ant-Man can keep the trend going.
The darkness of ESB comes from the revelations that the story of Luke Skywalker is not as polished and clean as we thought in ANH.

ANH - Luke ends the movie believing his father was a Jedi murdered by another student; Obi-Wan is his hero; his new best friend Han Solo has returned to save the day and will join the Rebellion now and give up this silly smuggling, and Princess Leia sure is purty.

By the end of ESB, Luke has his hand cut off, Han Solo bails on the Rebellion to pay off his debts, Leia kinda likes me, but she seems like she kinda likes Han more, the guy who I hate more than anyone told me that not only is he a) my dad but b) that means Obi-wan lied to my face about him and c) Yoda, who I went from despising to really liking, also failed to mention this little fact. And now Han is frozen in carbonite and headed god knows where, and that leaves me alone with Leia, but it's pretty clear she wants this other guy, not me.
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That's a good point - I'm definitely not trying to make ESB sound like it's a happy film or anything like that. But I guess similar comparisons could be made to AoU - the enemy is created by the benefactor of the team, the world sees the real Hulk as he rages and kills innocent civilians, many more die in the final Skovia attack, etc.

It's just an interesting parallel - I'm not trying to say anything negative about ESB. But if AoU felt like a midseason finale, or a holding pattern until more movies come out, I can't imagine how bad it must have been in 1980 to be left waiting for the next Star Wars. Oof.
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interesting tidbit that i got from the spoiler podcast that was posted a couple of days ago:

The blond girl that was featured prominently in the trailers, and whose son was rescued by hawkeye and quicksilver, is Scarlet Johansson's body double.
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interesting tidbit that i got from the spoiler podcast that was posted a couple of days ago:

The blond girl that was featured prominently in the trailers, and whose son was rescued by hawkeye and quicksilver, is Scarlet Johansson's body double.

the one with her boobs hanging out the whole time?
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One of my favorite lines was during Hulkbuster vs Hulk.

RDJ "Hey, it's ok, you're Bruce Banner, settle down"

Hulk gets angry and destruction ensues...

RDJ "Hey, got it! Don't mention puny Banner!!! Sorry!"
double aught
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Spells megalomaniacal correctly but puts an apostrophe in 'gets'.
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One of my favorite lines was during Hulkbuster vs Hulk.

RDJ "Hey, it's ok, your Bruce Banner, settle down"

Hulk gets angry and destruction ensues...

RDJ "Hey, got it! Don't mention puny Banner!!! Sorry!"

Dick move banner
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interesting tidbit that i got from the spoiler podcast that was posted a couple of days ago:

The blond girl that was featured prominently in the trailers, and whose son was rescued by hawkeye and quicksilver, is Scarlet Johansson's body double.

the one with her boobs hanging out the whole time?
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Chesty LaRue or Busty St Claire?
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somebody page SteadicaTm for a possible lead actress in his next film
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interesting tidbit that i got from the spoiler podcast that was posted a couple of days ago:

The blond girl that was featured prominently in the trailers, and whose son was rescued by hawkeye and quicksilver, is Scarlet Johansson's body double.

the one with her boobs hanging out the whole time?

that'd be her.
Bruce Almighty
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Random trivia. The waitress that is interviewed at the end of the first Avengers is Jean Claude Van Damme's niece in Lionheart.
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Random trivia. The waitress that is interviewed at the end of the first Avengers is Jean Claude Van Damme's niece in Lionheart.
Also the little sister on Growing Pains.
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interesting tidbit that i got from the spoiler podcast that was posted a couple of days ago:

The blond girl that was featured prominently in the trailers, and whose son was rescued by hawkeye and quicksilver, is Scarlet Johansson's body double.

the one with her boobs hanging out the whole time?

that'd be her.
Dominique Provost-Chalkley.
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Saw it in 3D and IMO was pretty disappointing. The first was better. The editing was quirky and seemed hacked and pieced together. Was hoping something more entertaining.
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