Do Women Respect Men who Give Up Career Growth to Be Mr Mom?

10,573 Views | 108 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by 62strat
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$30,000 Millionaire said:

This reminds me of a person I was talking to the other day that bought an 80K suburban to haul their kids around in because they didn't like the image of driving a minivan for half the price. I laughed and said that keeping up a facade costs a lot of money.

Moral of the story: who gives an F. That other dude is probably a lot happier than you and he clearly isn't worried what you think of him. Don't derive your self worth out of your career or educational choices. You're still going to be dumb, even after you finish your fancy degree.

Username does not check out.
$30,000 Millionaire
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Humor and being self effacing is not appreciated these days.
The Last Cobra Commander
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RAB87 said:

MGS said:

220, 221, whatever it takes.
Well done.

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Your wife's cousin's husband is a beta. Chicks say they love guys that do **** like be Mr. Mom, but they're lying to themselves. They're gonna go screw some some other dude who is a real man cause deep down they know their husband is a poosy.
Bruce Almighty
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BombayAg said:

MouthBQ98 said:

Knew a couple guys whose wives got into a really lucrative career, and they both basically quit once they were financially set as a family and became Mr. Mom. Worked out fine for them so far as I can tell.

It might look okay from outside because everyone puts up a show to the world, but I wonder what is going on inside the marriage. Many couples in our circle seemed happy and the woman would post on FB about lavish vacations and relaxing lifestyle but they ended up divorcing.

My wife makes a lot more than me, and she would love it if I quit my job. She asks me all the time why I work when we don't need the money.
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Beerosch said:

Your wife's cousin's husband is a beta. Chicks say they love guys that do **** like be Mr. Mom, but they're lying to themselves. They're gonna go screw some other dude who is a real man cause deep down they know their husband is a poosy.


People tell themselves all sorts of lies to rationalize why they are satisfied with whatever their current situation is. But at the end of the day, we are all emotional, primal creatures whose behaviors are driven by a small set of wants and needs. These wants and needs are sexually dimorphic.

Sure, you might observe a handful of folks who can swap the roles and appear to make it work. Some of them might even make it work, but that's the exception, not the rule.

A dude sitting at home with the kids and dependent on his wife is in a compromised position. Don't believe me? Ask yourself why there was a feminist movement.
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The feminist movement happened because women getting abused by alcoholic husbands had no way of protecting themselves.
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swimmerbabe11 said:

The feminist movement happened because women getting abused by alcoholic husbands had no way of protecting themselves.

Only one of many reasons. The societal structure of the day left women in a position of complete dependence on their husbands. And if a man chooses to stay at home and play Mr. Mom, he willingly puts himself in the same position of vulnerability. No, she probably won't come home drunk and beat him, but he is a dependent none-the-less.

I know a few of these couples, so I concede it is anecdotal. The women are physicians and make bank...and love to tell you about their stay-at-home husband. It's clearly very empowering to them. It's obviously emasculating to their husbands when we are at social gatherings and their wife starts-in with the let me tell you about my husband that takes care of my kids bit. They struggle to make eye contact as she smugly and publicly reminds him of who is wearing the pants. I recall one particularly awkward evening when my wife stated flatly on the ride home that "Dr. Jones (we'll call her) will leave him the day she no longer needs daycare".

Women without professions often say they feel trapped in a marriage. I have a daughter. We have worked hard to ensure she values the importance of a profession/career and the ability to support herself, precisely so that she does not find herself in that position. You will be hard-pressed to find someone who will tell you this is bad parenting. But then you have to tolerate some insufferable clown rationalize why this position of dependence is somehow OK for a man.

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Depends on how many 'luxury' vehicles are in the driveway.
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If I had a stay at home hub, I would brag on him too. Not because because I'm trying to be empowered, but because I'd be proud of what a wonderful husband I have who would do that for his family.

It sounds like you are reading your bias into it.
The Last Cobra Commander
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It sounds like you are reading your bias into it.

Well of course I am. One of the more common lies people tell themselves is that they see the world in the absence of bias. Our experiences shape the way we see everything.

I get it. We like to pretend we can throw-off social norms because we are somehow more enlightened than the generations that came before us. And perhaps we are in some ways.

Men, no matter how "enlightened" they think they may be, are still competing with other men. So if you do manage yourself a stay-at-home hub, think twice before you talk about the wreaths he made for the school holiday decorations while out socializing with the other ladies whose husbands are doctors, lawyers, and successful businessmen.
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swimmerbabe11 said:

If I had a stay at home hub, I would brag on him too. Not because because I'm trying to be empowered, but because I'd be proud of what a wonderful husband I have who would do that for his family.

It sounds like you are reading your bias into it.

Actually been there. Sort of. When I was in my graduate studies we had our first. The wife worked a swing shift so I was at home with the kid at night while she worked.

The income I brought in was 0 and even though our bank accounts were joint, whenever we went out or made any sort of purchase she was the first one to pull out cash or a card because she was the one earning the money.

That was a punch to the gut every time she did it. And then when we got together with friends and she would "brag" about me after talking about what she was working on at her job the looks of sympathy I got from the other guys in the room were hard to take.

The thing is this: women's desire in men has changed since the birth control pill. The birth control pill is basically an estrogen supplement and tricks women's bodies into thinking they are pregnant. Studies show that women who are pregnant prefer men with more feminine features to men with more traditionally masculine features.

Evolutionarily it makes sense. Women who are pregnant are looking for a mate who will be capable of sharing and nurturing the offspring and be less likely to bolt for some other female. These feminine or less masculine men don't mind not being the providers because they have no innate drive to compete for resources, be at the top of the hierarchy, accomplish things, etc. so in that kind of a situation, where you have a less masculine male as the stay at home spouse, although most women value men with some sort of drive and as soon as the woman stops valuing the man's contribution to childcare and gets frustrated by his lack ambition and drive the relationship is over. This usually hits around the time the kids are 7 and up.

The problem is that while a large portion of women are on the pill, most men who are masculine are still MEN. And even though they will stay at home because they love their wives, they are still going to feel some dissatisfaction at the fact that they are not out there competing and they are at the bottom of the societal and male hierarchies. And no matter how much they deny it they still feel emasculated every time their place at the bottom is put on display.

You can deny it all you want and it sounds like you fit in the camp of "gender roles are societal constructs". But biology is very really and the hormones that run through our bodies program is with innate drives that affect our sense of self worth and actialization when they are not fulfilled. Men with even small amounts of testosterone are going to feel the effects of being low on the societal totem pole. Women are going to value their partner's contribution to nurturing the children up to the point that it gets old and they begin to admire and develop romantic feelings for the more "ambitious" men they meet at their job or at the gym. those old biological pulls are going to come into play and the relationship is going to come crashing down.

Biology is a *****. And no matter how "enlightened" you are you can't escape it.
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Bombay threads are the best! Dude is so insecure, wonder how his wife feels about him like this.

Sounds like his cousin has it made and Bombay is jealous trying to make him feel better about himself being more "ambitious". Cousin has a lax job where he can focus on family and personal stuff while the wife is the breadwinner. Sounds pretty dope to me!
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This thread is full of dudes saying how being a stay at home parent is the lowest possible station in life and that they would never want to reduce themselves to that job, but they certainly don't mind placing a woman in that position.
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But it's *science*
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LupinusTexensis said:

This thread is full of dudes saying how being a stay at home parent is the lowest possible station in life and that they would never want to reduce themselves to that job, but they certainly don't mind placing a woman in that position.

No, it's not. Shouldn't you go check on the kids instead of posting?
Ol Jock 99
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I probably shouldn't respond, but what the hell.

I've been a stay-at-home dad for a little over 4 years. By training and profession, I'm a CPA with 13+ years experience in both public and corporate. My last role before "retiring" was running the fixed asset accounting team at Frito Lay. I enjoyed my career (didn't love it, but enjoyed it), was successful, and upwardly mobile.

The wife is a physician, a partner with her group, and tied to Dallas. Which posed a potential problem as Frito/PepsiCo love to move people around. Both of us had an "Alpha Career" that expected to be the lead career.

At the time of the decision, we had 2 kids and 1 on the way (#4 was a surprise that came later). I worked roughly 50-60 hours a week at the office with some travel. She worked 40+ at the hospital plus another 20-30 at home after hours. We were increasingly having to outsource our lives, specifically the kids, and any monkeywrench was a problem. Not for a financial perspective, but from a logistical. This obviously posed issues both at home and work.

So, a little over 4 years ago we looked at each other and said "something has to give". My masters is in finance, so naturally I looked at the numbers. Take away names and stereotypical gender roles and a 2 year old could have made the decision. It made zero sense for her to cut back; both her current and ceiling exceeded mine by a fair margin (and I wasn't making peanuts).

Has it been easy? Nope. Losing your career identity is rough, especially in the first couple years. Plus it can be very isolating. As a dude in a woman's world, you are always an outsider. But I've worked hard to keeping up connections, being involved in civic organizations, and building friendships. I also play around in the investment real estate world a bit and have made some money there.

Has it been easy? Nope. But it was unquestionably the right call for our family. My wife, and our extended family, respect me for it. And no, I don't care if some junior system analyst from the interweb doesn't respect me. Get in your leased 3-series and go get some good takeout since the wife still can't get the goat curry right (as your mom constantly reminds you.)
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BombayAg said:

ac04 said:

love that the OP pretends to be so self-confident and then posts this kind of drivel. hilarious.

I am self confident, but I am human too. I have the same issues everyone else does.
obviously not.....
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Kee Kee said:

You can't take it with you

But you can in overdrive. Yeh, some like it hot, yeh twisted.
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Ol Jock 99 said:

And no, I don't care if some junior system analyst from the interweb doesn't respect me.

As evidenced by your 400 word essay...
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My brother has a law degree from Texas and is a stay at home dad. His wife is also a physician. Kudos.
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Great post. Very similar to the dads I know that have stayed home. All were educated and successful. It was a choice to make the entire family's life better, and in every case I know personally, it has been a successful choice. Happy wives. Happy kids.
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And no, I don't care if some junior system analyst from the interweb doesn't respect me. Get in your leased 3-series and go get some good takeout since the wife still can't get the goat curry right (as your mom constantly reminds you.)

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Ags4DaWin said:

swimmerbabe11 said:

If I had a stay at home hub, I would brag on him too. Not because because I'm trying to be empowered, but because I'd be proud of what a wonderful husband I have who would do that for his family.

It sounds like you are reading your bias into it.

Actually been there. Sort of. When I was in my graduate studies we had our first. The wife worked a swing shift so I was at home with the kid at night while she worked.

The income I brought in was 0 and even though our bank accounts were joint, whenever we went out or made any sort of purchase she was the first one to pull out cash or a card because she was the one earning the money.

That was a punch to the gut every time she did it. And then when we got together with friends and she would "brag" about me after talking about what she was working on at her job the looks of sympathy I got from the other guys in the room were hard to take.

The thing is this: women's desire in men has changed since the birth control pill. The birth control pill is basically an estrogen supplement and tricks women's bodies into thinking they are pregnant. Studies show that women who are pregnant prefer men with more feminine features to men with more traditionally masculine features.

Evolutionarily it makes sense. Women who are pregnant are looking for a mate who will be capable of sharing and nurturing the offspring and be less likely to bolt for some other female. These feminine or less masculine men don't mind not being the providers because they have no innate drive to compete for resources, be at the top of the hierarchy, accomplish things, etc. so in that kind of a situation, where you have a less masculine male as the stay at home spouse, although most women value men with some sort of drive and as soon as the woman stops valuing the man's contribution to childcare and gets frustrated by his lack ambition and drive the relationship is over. This usually hits around the time the kids are 7 and up.

The problem is that while a large portion of women are on the pill, most men who are masculine are still MEN. And even though they will stay at home because they love their wives, they are still going to feel some dissatisfaction at the fact that they are not out there competing and they are at the bottom of the societal and male hierarchies. And no matter how much they deny it they still feel emasculated every time their place at the bottom is put on display.

You can deny it all you want and it sounds like you fit in the camp of "gender roles are societal constructs". But biology is very really and the hormones that run through our bodies program is with innate drives that affect our sense of self worth and actialization when they are not fulfilled. Men with even small amounts of testosterone are going to feel the effects of being low on the societal totem pole. Women are going to value their partner's contribution to nurturing the children up to the point that it gets old and they begin to admire and develop romantic feelings for the more "ambitious" men they meet at their job or at the gym. those old biological pulls are going to come into play and the relationship is going to come crashing down.

Biology is a *****. And no matter how "enlightened" you are you can't escape it.

It sucks that you felt emasculated by your wife paying for things.

My wife make multiple times what I do and I'll never earn as much as her or be as famous. It doesn't bother me one bit.

In fact it's pretty great. Because of her job we get to travel the country, take amazing vacations, and life a comfortable lives with nice things. It simply doesn't bother me that our lives are better because she makes more.
$30,000 Millionaire
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Marriage is supposed to be a team effort. I'm older than a lot of you, take it from me that Father Time catches up to you quickly. When you're 60, you aren't going to care that you were the SVP of whatever if your kids only think of you as an ATM machine. Let go of your foolish pride.
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$30,000 Millionaire said:

Marriage is supposed to be a team effort. I'm older than a lot of you, take it from me that Father Time catches up to you quickly. When you're 60, you aren't going to care that you were the SVP of whatever if your kids only think of you as an ATM machine. Let go of your foolish pride.

Best are the idiots who think they are leaving some legacy behind them.
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SoupNazi2001 said:

nai06 said:

Ags4DaWin said:

swimmerbabe11 said:

If I had a stay at home hub, I would brag on him too. Not because because I'm trying to be empowered, but because I'd be proud of what a wonderful husband I have who would do that for his family.

It sounds like you are reading your bias into it.

Actually been there. Sort of. When I was in my graduate studies we had our first. The wife worked a swing shift so I was at home with the kid at night while she worked.

The income I brought in was 0 and even though our bank accounts were joint, whenever we went out or made any sort of purchase she was the first one to pull out cash or a card because she was the one earning the money.

That was a punch to the gut every time she did it. And then when we got together with friends and she would "brag" about me after talking about what she was working on at her job the looks of sympathy I got from the other guys in the room were hard to take.

The thing is this: women's desire in men has changed since the birth control pill. The birth control pill is basically an estrogen supplement and tricks women's bodies into thinking they are pregnant. Studies show that women who are pregnant prefer men with more feminine features to men with more traditionally masculine features.

Evolutionarily it makes sense. Women who are pregnant are looking for a mate who will be capable of sharing and nurturing the offspring and be less likely to bolt for some other female. These feminine or less masculine men don't mind not being the providers because they have no innate drive to compete for resources, be at the top of the hierarchy, accomplish things, etc. so in that kind of a situation, where you have a less masculine male as the stay at home spouse, although most women value men with some sort of drive and as soon as the woman stops valuing the man's contribution to childcare and gets frustrated by his lack ambition and drive the relationship is over. This usually hits around the time the kids are 7 and up.

The problem is that while a large portion of women are on the pill, most men who are masculine are still MEN. And even though they will stay at home because they love their wives, they are still going to feel some dissatisfaction at the fact that they are not out there competing and they are at the bottom of the societal and male hierarchies. And no matter how much they deny it they still feel emasculated every time their place at the bottom is put on display.

You can deny it all you want and it sounds like you fit in the camp of "gender roles are societal constructs". But biology is very really and the hormones that run through our bodies program is with innate drives that affect our sense of self worth and actialization when they are not fulfilled. Men with even small amounts of testosterone are going to feel the effects of being low on the societal totem pole. Women are going to value their partner's contribution to nurturing the children up to the point that it gets old and they begin to admire and develop romantic feelings for the more "ambitious" men they meet at their job or at the gym. those old biological pulls are going to come into play and the relationship is going to come crashing down.

Biology is a *****. And no matter how "enlightened" you are you can't escape it.

It sucks that you felt emasculated by your wife paying for things.

My wife make multiple times what I do and I'll never earn as much as her or be as famous. It doesn't bother me one bit.

In fact it's pretty great. Because of her job we get to travel the country, take amazing vacations, and life a comfortable lives with nice things. It simply doesn't bother me that our lives are better because she makes more.

Your wife is famous!

Number 1 NY Times bestseller, international bestseller, published in something like 30 countries with a movie on the way
Obi Wan Ginobili
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What a spectacular thread this dumb **** started. A+ would read again.
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nai06 said:

SoupNazi2001 said:

nai06 said:

Ags4DaWin said:

swimmerbabe11 said:

If I had a stay at home hub, I would brag on him too. Not because because I'm trying to be empowered, but because I'd be proud of what a wonderful husband I have who would do that for his family.

It sounds like you are reading your bias into it.

Actually been there. Sort of. When I was in my graduate studies we had our first. The wife worked a swing shift so I was at home with the kid at night while she worked.

The income I brought in was 0 and even though our bank accounts were joint, whenever we went out or made any sort of purchase she was the first one to pull out cash or a card because she was the one earning the money.

That was a punch to the gut every time she did it. And then when we got together with friends and she would "brag" about me after talking about what she was working on at her job the looks of sympathy I got from the other guys in the room were hard to take.

The thing is this: women's desire in men has changed since the birth control pill. The birth control pill is basically an estrogen supplement and tricks women's bodies into thinking they are pregnant. Studies show that women who are pregnant prefer men with more feminine features to men with more traditionally masculine features.

Evolutionarily it makes sense. Women who are pregnant are looking for a mate who will be capable of sharing and nurturing the offspring and be less likely to bolt for some other female. These feminine or less masculine men don't mind not being the providers because they have no innate drive to compete for resources, be at the top of the hierarchy, accomplish things, etc. so in that kind of a situation, where you have a less masculine male as the stay at home spouse, although most women value men with some sort of drive and as soon as the woman stops valuing the man's contribution to childcare and gets frustrated by his lack ambition and drive the relationship is over. This usually hits around the time the kids are 7 and up.

The problem is that while a large portion of women are on the pill, most men who are masculine are still MEN. And even though they will stay at home because they love their wives, they are still going to feel some dissatisfaction at the fact that they are not out there competing and they are at the bottom of the societal and male hierarchies. And no matter how much they deny it they still feel emasculated every time their place at the bottom is put on display.

You can deny it all you want and it sounds like you fit in the camp of "gender roles are societal constructs". But biology is very really and the hormones that run through our bodies program is with innate drives that affect our sense of self worth and actialization when they are not fulfilled. Men with even small amounts of testosterone are going to feel the effects of being low on the societal totem pole. Women are going to value their partner's contribution to nurturing the children up to the point that it gets old and they begin to admire and develop romantic feelings for the more "ambitious" men they meet at their job or at the gym. those old biological pulls are going to come into play and the relationship is going to come crashing down.

Biology is a *****. And no matter how "enlightened" you are you can't escape it.

It sucks that you felt emasculated by your wife paying for things.

My wife make multiple times what I do and I'll never earn as much as her or be as famous. It doesn't bother me one bit.

In fact it's pretty great. Because of her job we get to travel the country, take amazing vacations, and life a comfortable lives with nice things. It simply doesn't bother me that our lives are better because she makes more.

Your wife is famous!

Number 1 NY Times bestseller, international bestseller, published in something like 30 countries with a movie on the way

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More like Stuffed Lust amirite
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At the end of the day, just be appreciative of the time you can devote to the happiness and stability of your family. There are a lot of people who don't have the ability to afford having one parent at home.
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nai06 said:

SoupNazi2001 said:

nai06 said:

Ags4DaWin said:

swimmerbabe11 said:

If I had a stay at home hub, I would brag on him too. Not because because I'm trying to be empowered, but because I'd be proud of what a wonderful husband I have who would do that for his family.

It sounds like you are reading your bias into it.

Actually been there. Sort of. When I was in my graduate studies we had our first. The wife worked a swing shift so I was at home with the kid at night while she worked.

The income I brought in was 0 and even though our bank accounts were joint, whenever we went out or made any sort of purchase she was the first one to pull out cash or a card because she was the one earning the money.

That was a punch to the gut every time she did it. And then when we got together with friends and she would "brag" about me after talking about what she was working on at her job the looks of sympathy I got from the other guys in the room were hard to take.

The thing is this: women's desire in men has changed since the birth control pill. The birth control pill is basically an estrogen supplement and tricks women's bodies into thinking they are pregnant. Studies show that women who are pregnant prefer men with more feminine features to men with more traditionally masculine features.

Evolutionarily it makes sense. Women who are pregnant are looking for a mate who will be capable of sharing and nurturing the offspring and be less likely to bolt for some other female. These feminine or less masculine men don't mind not being the providers because they have no innate drive to compete for resources, be at the top of the hierarchy, accomplish things, etc. so in that kind of a situation, where you have a less masculine male as the stay at home spouse, although most women value men with some sort of drive and as soon as the woman stops valuing the man's contribution to childcare and gets frustrated by his lack ambition and drive the relationship is over. This usually hits around the time the kids are 7 and up.

The problem is that while a large portion of women are on the pill, most men who are masculine are still MEN. And even though they will stay at home because they love their wives, they are still going to feel some dissatisfaction at the fact that they are not out there competing and they are at the bottom of the societal and male hierarchies. And no matter how much they deny it they still feel emasculated every time their place at the bottom is put on display.

You can deny it all you want and it sounds like you fit in the camp of "gender roles are societal constructs". But biology is very really and the hormones that run through our bodies program is with innate drives that affect our sense of self worth and actialization when they are not fulfilled. Men with even small amounts of testosterone are going to feel the effects of being low on the societal totem pole. Women are going to value their partner's contribution to nurturing the children up to the point that it gets old and they begin to admire and develop romantic feelings for the more "ambitious" men they meet at their job or at the gym. those old biological pulls are going to come into play and the relationship is going to come crashing down.

Biology is a *****. And no matter how "enlightened" you are you can't escape it.

It sucks that you felt emasculated by your wife paying for things.

My wife make multiple times what I do and I'll never earn as much as her or be as famous. It doesn't bother me one bit.

In fact it's pretty great. Because of her job we get to travel the country, take amazing vacations, and life a comfortable lives with nice things. It simply doesn't bother me that our lives are better because she makes more.

Your wife is famous!

Number 1 NY Times bestseller, international bestseller, published in something like 30 countries with a movie on the way

Living the dream. Working is white trash anyway.
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And to think when I first met you you were wearing furry sleeves at the Chicken.
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