Only from the waist down but, not in the middle.HC said:
Think Amazing Moves is a black person but don't really know why
Only from the waist down but, not in the middle.HC said:
Think Amazing Moves is a black person but don't really know why
I'm not in the 75%!!!Wade Winston Wilson said:
Are not currently wearing pants
Who does that? I truly hope it's a urinal cake.Amazing Moves said:
farted into a cake.
People who like it the most.Quote:
Who does that?
Doesn't like cake anymore?Amazing Moves said:People who like it the most.Quote:
Who does that?
Kee Kee said:
Used spray starch?
I guess so, I just thought it was at the cleaners. TGFG [ETA: THANK GOD FOR GOOGLE] or bing...shhhhhhh, we use microsoft stuff.HBCanine08 said:Kee Kee said:
Used spray starch?
Kee Kee said:
Like bacon?
Tatem said:
thinks HC is mexican
I need to learn how to do thatKee Kee said:
Used your Ag ring to open a bottle?
It's really easy. Usually I just grab the bottle, shove the cap right above my ring (palm side), and give it a SE to NW push.MooreTrucker said:I need to learn how to do thatKee Kee said:
Used your Ag ring to open a bottle?
We still have one that comes around occasionally. Not often enough though.Kee Kee said:
Miss the ice cream or snow cone man?
I think I will get one this summer....oh, we live in Texas- NOW.MooreTrucker said:We still have one that comes around occasionally. Not often enough though.Kee Kee said:
Miss the ice cream or snow cone man?
Those 5 probably know me IRL.HC said:
Thinks kee kee's IRL name is actually kee kee
Drawkcab said:
Gotten free Fowl Digits
I did! I forgot who I sent it to though.Drawkcab said:
Gotten free Fowl Digits
5 Stars.HBCanine08 said:
Wants to have sex with HBCanine08?
HBCanine08 said:My inbox is ready.HBCanine08 said:
Wants to have sex with HBCanine08?