This might be a well-known fact already... but I just followed a link to one of their threads and wasn't quite sure what I was greeted with until I made the mistake of taking a second look...
I think any self-respecting Baylor fan who visits that site should be ashamed that their fan board apparently has to resort to promoting pr0n just to stay alive.
This probably explains why none of my personal friends who are Baylor alums have any resemblance to the crowd. I think I've let that board cause at least some damage to my old friendships...
My post ends here, but if anyone needs proof, here's the screenshot. I'm not going to linkify this, view at your own discression.
I altered it a bit to make it less offensive.
Wow, just Wow! A Torbush in fact!
I was laughing with you guys, but apparently this stopped being a funny joke sometime when the morning/afternoon crowd had me judged, tried, executed and burried while I was at work. I normally have a pretty good flame shield and I knew that trying to defend myself here would simply not work.
But after I realized that this thread has accomplished the trifecta:
a) has maintained an insurmountable lead over the Hotties thread (must be boring in ISU, eh?)
b) evolved into a new Aggie Joke
c) transcended into an urband legend
, I decided it's time to make my confession.
Forgive me Father TexAgs, for I have sinned:
Sin #1:
I did not click that darned link when I had the chance to right there! If I did, I would have found out the same thing I eventually discovered after digging through some html code that survived in my cache, it turned out to be just another redirect to a dating site.
Sin #2:
As a result of my first sin I inappropriately concluded this was a link to a "pr0n" site. "Tasteless" might have been a better term. I guess on most boards that image wouldn't catch much attention, but some people (most Baylor and A&M friends I know) would find such screensaver/dating site ads at least some-what offensive.
I guess it's possible that the ad engine concluded I was a Male in the 30's, browsing past midnight, and decided that a more risque ad image was more likely to attract some traffic. These ad engines are not black magic and do not posses the superpowers this thread ascribed to them. A much bigger decision factor is actually the content of the post or topic and the different keywords found in the given discussion. It's called context-based advertising. For example, this thread has had nothing but Mormon ads all night:
So, after it's all said and done, I guess the following facts and assertions from my original post survived TexAgs scrutiny:
* Baylor fans do not financially support their fan board sufficiently, so it looks ugly as sin and displays seizure-inducing ads
* People on Baylor board sound nothing like the Baylor friends I've had for over 15 years.
* What some find offensive, others don't even notice. You'd think a Baptist board would have a higher standard, but here they are happily displaying Mormon ads all over the place tonight.
I know, not nearly as fun and sensational, and probably will seriously hurt this topic's rating now...
Oh, and to some of the smartasses here: yeah, my hands are pretty full during my late night activites. I'm usually trying to feed the 1-month old baby to give my wife at least 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep, and also deal with a 3-year-old sleep-walker/zombie kid.
Anyway, this thread was a lot more funnier than the boring old truth.
I appologize again for sloppy reporting.
...That means you can probably stop hitting the Refresh button on that Baylor board now.
[This message has been edited by Denniska (edited 3/13/2008 2:49a).]
I think any self-respecting Baylor fan who visits that site should be ashamed that their fan board apparently has to resort to promoting pr0n just to stay alive.
This probably explains why none of my personal friends who are Baylor alums have any resemblance to the crowd. I think I've let that board cause at least some damage to my old friendships...
My post ends here, but if anyone needs proof, here's the screenshot. I'm not going to linkify this, view at your own discression.
I altered it a bit to make it less offensive.
Wow, just Wow! A Torbush in fact!
I was laughing with you guys, but apparently this stopped being a funny joke sometime when the morning/afternoon crowd had me judged, tried, executed and burried while I was at work. I normally have a pretty good flame shield and I knew that trying to defend myself here would simply not work.
But after I realized that this thread has accomplished the trifecta:
a) has maintained an insurmountable lead over the Hotties thread (must be boring in ISU, eh?)
b) evolved into a new Aggie Joke
c) transcended into an urband legend
, I decided it's time to make my confession.
Forgive me Father TexAgs, for I have sinned:
Sin #1:
I did not click that darned link when I had the chance to right there! If I did, I would have found out the same thing I eventually discovered after digging through some html code that survived in my cache, it turned out to be just another redirect to a dating site.
Sin #2:
As a result of my first sin I inappropriately concluded this was a link to a "pr0n" site. "Tasteless" might have been a better term. I guess on most boards that image wouldn't catch much attention, but some people (most Baylor and A&M friends I know) would find such screensaver/dating site ads at least some-what offensive.
I guess it's possible that the ad engine concluded I was a Male in the 30's, browsing past midnight, and decided that a more risque ad image was more likely to attract some traffic. These ad engines are not black magic and do not posses the superpowers this thread ascribed to them. A much bigger decision factor is actually the content of the post or topic and the different keywords found in the given discussion. It's called context-based advertising. For example, this thread has had nothing but Mormon ads all night:
So, after it's all said and done, I guess the following facts and assertions from my original post survived TexAgs scrutiny:
* Baylor fans do not financially support their fan board sufficiently, so it looks ugly as sin and displays seizure-inducing ads
* People on Baylor board sound nothing like the Baylor friends I've had for over 15 years.
* What some find offensive, others don't even notice. You'd think a Baptist board would have a higher standard, but here they are happily displaying Mormon ads all over the place tonight.
I know, not nearly as fun and sensational, and probably will seriously hurt this topic's rating now...
Oh, and to some of the smartasses here: yeah, my hands are pretty full during my late night activites. I'm usually trying to feed the 1-month old baby to give my wife at least 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep, and also deal with a 3-year-old sleep-walker/zombie kid.
Anyway, this thread was a lot more funnier than the boring old truth.
I appologize again for sloppy reporting.
...That means you can probably stop hitting the Refresh button on that Baylor board now.
[This message has been edited by Denniska (edited 3/13/2008 2:49a).]