Rev. Wright is the one who stabbed her?
No, but having a Presidential Candidate who attended an anti-white church for 20 years and who's made no issue about the obvious racism that is helping him (95% to 99% of blacks polled voting for him) is being negligent at best and doesn't help race relations. The fact that he carved a "B" (for Barrak?) into her face after he noticed she had a McCain sticker makes this a politically motivated racial attack. Obama isn't to blame, but he sure isn't setting a good example in his interview for the job.
The thing that fires me up is that if this were a black woman and some racist white guy carved a M into her face after seeing her Obama sticker it would be THE NEWS. Every media outlet would be covering this for months, all politicians would be there and McCain would have to spend weeks denouncing the attack. As it is the DNC and the press will try to keep this as small as possible to keep the damage to Obama's campaign small, instead of making this an issue and something all Americans need to stop.
That girl could have been your mother/sister/wife/daughter that someone mutilated and nothing was done to discourage an abundance of obvious anti-white racism (in fact its been lauded by some) and nothing will be done on a national level to stop it from happening again because it doesn't help a group of people politically.
[This message has been edited by Farva (edited 10/23/2008 4:28p).]