1. Originally a pic of Pearl Harbor being Bombed.
2. Quote from Animal House "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" One of the planes has a Nazi flag on it.
3. Quote from Dumb and Dumber, "We landed on the moon?" Hence picture of an astronaut on the moon.
4. President Truman "Dewey Defeats Truman"
5. His name tag says Cru, the infamous GB poster.
Note all of the above things were on the original picture that I believe Digging Tunnels made and posted. These things along with a combination with vibs and glory Hole were posted on this site when a thread was posted and being rehashed or the OP didn't realize it had been posted already.
Things I added
6. A picture of Apu and him saying Jihad Mother****ers This was in reference to people calling vibs(Apu) a pakistani terrorist, he is actually Indian.
7. The Glory Hole pics are in reference to vibs claiming he was going to see the glory hole, thread.
8. Piss Off , the infamous CDUB98 catch phrase.
9. The seal with a condom on his head is a picture WC87 (Poppi ) posted claiming it was a dolphin.
10. Blonde at the bottom is kYrStAl, she had a xanga account that showed sexy pictures of herself and claimed she went to A&M. It was found out she went to Blinn and then she got mad at Texags, and claimed we were "stockers"
her misspelling of the word stalker.
11. The Mahna Mahna Muppets picture is something that howdydammit04 would post to mainly annoy vibs(Apu) people would get the song stuck in there head because of it.
12. Blue footed boobie picture. Tree Huggers "boobie" picture named Perky.
13. AggieChemist saying half portions rule, retarts. AC posted a thread about him and his wife going to eat dinner somewhere and them giving his wife the "half portion" when in fact she wanted the full or the other way around, retarts is a common purposeful misspelling of the word on here.
14. Kyle Field cake. This was posted on texags.com about 50 times each person thinking they were the first to post it. It became known as being "Kyle Caked" Note: Golfer(white pants) CDUB98 ( biker outfit) and ENG (skating, he claimed this was him) are at a game
15. Shutup AggieGreg06 is being said by Brandon (WatchOle), this was in reference to the ranger65 Robert Gates being on this site and AggieGreg06 saying something disparaging to ranger before we knew it was him. Then some online articles told aggiegreg06 to shut up.
16. Tiny94, with her fanny pack, is standing on the hole.
17. The leased BMW from the DallasAg1999 meltdown is in the bottom corner.
18. Padfoot posted a thread about the "are you smarter than a fifth grader" show claiming they had done the calculation of the area of a triangle wrong when in fact he was wrong.
19. Blonde in the middle is Brandigan from the U of Memphis that was mad at her hottie picture being posted on here and people claiming she was fake. She had a meltdown as well.
20. txaggie04ci tried to rip off his fellow ags by selling this plasma tv for $1000 more than he got it.
21. the airplane on the converyor belt. In reference to the thread by videoag98 about this question and IIIHorn bring it back up every day. video never did leave texags like he claimed.
22. Finally my Wal*mart correct spelling, LEARN IT IDIOTS
23. Texican08 had some bows stolen and texags found the culpirt, INTERNET JUSTICE
[This message has been edited by Brennus (edited 4/17/2007 8:42a).]
2. Quote from Animal House "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?" One of the planes has a Nazi flag on it.
3. Quote from Dumb and Dumber, "We landed on the moon?" Hence picture of an astronaut on the moon.
4. President Truman "Dewey Defeats Truman"
5. His name tag says Cru, the infamous GB poster.
Note all of the above things were on the original picture that I believe Digging Tunnels made and posted. These things along with a combination with vibs and glory Hole were posted on this site when a thread was posted and being rehashed or the OP didn't realize it had been posted already.
Things I added
6. A picture of Apu and him saying Jihad Mother****ers This was in reference to people calling vibs(Apu) a pakistani terrorist, he is actually Indian.
7. The Glory Hole pics are in reference to vibs claiming he was going to see the glory hole, thread.
8. Piss Off , the infamous CDUB98 catch phrase.
9. The seal with a condom on his head is a picture WC87 (Poppi ) posted claiming it was a dolphin.
10. Blonde at the bottom is kYrStAl, she had a xanga account that showed sexy pictures of herself and claimed she went to A&M. It was found out she went to Blinn and then she got mad at Texags, and claimed we were "stockers"
her misspelling of the word stalker.
11. The Mahna Mahna Muppets picture is something that howdydammit04 would post to mainly annoy vibs(Apu) people would get the song stuck in there head because of it.
12. Blue footed boobie picture. Tree Huggers "boobie" picture named Perky.
13. AggieChemist saying half portions rule, retarts. AC posted a thread about him and his wife going to eat dinner somewhere and them giving his wife the "half portion" when in fact she wanted the full or the other way around, retarts is a common purposeful misspelling of the word on here.
14. Kyle Field cake. This was posted on texags.com about 50 times each person thinking they were the first to post it. It became known as being "Kyle Caked" Note: Golfer(white pants) CDUB98 ( biker outfit) and ENG (skating, he claimed this was him) are at a game
15. Shutup AggieGreg06 is being said by Brandon (WatchOle), this was in reference to the ranger65 Robert Gates being on this site and AggieGreg06 saying something disparaging to ranger before we knew it was him. Then some online articles told aggiegreg06 to shut up.
16. Tiny94, with her fanny pack, is standing on the hole.
17. The leased BMW from the DallasAg1999 meltdown is in the bottom corner.
18. Padfoot posted a thread about the "are you smarter than a fifth grader" show claiming they had done the calculation of the area of a triangle wrong when in fact he was wrong.
19. Blonde in the middle is Brandigan from the U of Memphis that was mad at her hottie picture being posted on here and people claiming she was fake. She had a meltdown as well.
20. txaggie04ci tried to rip off his fellow ags by selling this plasma tv for $1000 more than he got it.
21. the airplane on the converyor belt. In reference to the thread by videoag98 about this question and IIIHorn bring it back up every day. video never did leave texags like he claimed.
22. Finally my Wal*mart correct spelling, LEARN IT IDIOTS
23. Texican08 had some bows stolen and texags found the culpirt, INTERNET JUSTICE
[This message has been edited by Brennus (edited 4/17/2007 8:42a).]