futurama by a whole lot. It actually has jokes that make you think. .. gasp. Plus Zoidberg is the best non-main character ever. I mean a jewish shellfish. . . thats comedy. Family guy is rarely funny and Seth acts like he was tortured by his parents faith with all the catholic jokes (in every episode). It also strays from its plot line too much with random thoughts and its Twilight zone references are all poorly done. Aqua team is too random for me there no plot line really.
That's a tough call, but for quality time after time, I would go with Futurama. Family Guy has some real LOL gems that make it worth watching, but doesn't always hit on all cylinders. ATHF is only funny because it's on so late that you aren't thinking clearly anymore and will laugh at anything.
Futurama is wayyyyy better in my book. The humor is much more clever than Family Guy.
Family Guy cheats since it is about 50% story/50% random funny stuff. "It was like that time when (insert random funny part)" and "Remember the time when (insert completely-unrelated-to-the-story funny part)..." gets old b/c it's so cheap, in my opinion.