I just got my Dec issue of Flight Journal and it is dedicated to stories about Pearl Harbor, from cover to cover.

Dec 7th will mark the 75th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor and the Editor states that "We're going to go inside those few dramatic hours and explore subjects and personalities that are seldom examined".

I have only had time to give the magazine a quick skimming, but it appears to me they have done just that. It is chock full of excellent pictures that I have never seen before (and I've seen quite a few) and stories, etc I was unaware of. I am really looking forward to reading the articles in-depth.

Just a heads up for my friends on the texags History Board. I think it will be a great read and I expect to learn a lot of new facts that I was unaware of.

The cover has a picture of a P-40 and P-36 (only two are flying today) in formation and includes a blurb that promises "Untold Tales Of Pearl Harbor".