A Personal Letter from Councilman Jess Fields

4,298 Views | 35 Replies | Last: 11 yr ago by Ragnar Danneskjold
Jess Fields
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To the MyBCS Community:

I have truly enjoyed the debate and discussion on these forums, and appreciate all of your interest in local politics. Please, whether you like me or think I'm the worst thing ever to happen to College Station, please stay involved. You are among the few!

MyBCS is quite special to me, considering how much I frequented it as a candidate and as a councilman.

I thought I would share this letter with you. Again, thank you for the great resource these forums are for the community, and God Bless you all.



For the past few years, I have had the great honor of serving you as a College Station City Councilman. I cannot possibly express the gratitude I have for your support during these years, and through the many issues and challenges that our city has faced.

I ran for office because of my limited government principles, a commitment to preserving our natural rights, and a strong belief in holding all levels of government accountable to the people. I did not run to hold a title, spend your money, or run your life. Whether you agreed or disagreed with my votes and positions, you always know where I stood, because I am honest about my beliefs.

Our founding fathers established a republic based on the idea that willing individuals would serve their fellow citizens on a voluntary basis. Unfortunately, political office has become a revolving door, and there are too many familiar faces. We need more statesmen, and fewer professional politicians.

In that spirit, and with excitement for the future, I hereby announce I will not run for a second term on the College Station City Council this fall. However, I won't be completely leaving local politics.

God has blessed me and my family immensely. Last July, I married my wonderful wife Courtney. Not long after, we found out that we are expecting our first child this August, a girl. This little blessing has helped to put my life in perspective, which was surely His plan all along. I am truly excited about having the time to grow and nurture our family.

Beyond my personal life, there is another reason I am excited about the future, and I hope that you are also.

This spring I became aware of an opportunity to continue the policy work I've started as a city councilman, but on a statewide level. It was an opportunity I could not pass up.

As of this fall, I will begin work for a major conservative organization in Texas, focusing on local policy. In this new position, I will travel around the state to encourage and educate city staffs and councils in implementing conservative policy changes.

Thanks to grassroots activists, the Tea Party and all who value liberty our country is slowly waking up to the dangers of big government and bureaucratic central planning. Through my new position, I will be at the vanguard of an emerging movement to hold local governments accountable to the people. I will be able to continue the work I have begun as a member of the College Station City Council. More details will be available at a later date.

The sad part of my not running for office again is in missing the many opportunities to interact with the great people of College Station and the Brazos Valley. Without the many citizens who fought government overreach in College Station, the local policies I have developed would have been much harder to come by. I met my wife at Texas A&M, started my business here, and my daughter will be born here.

My heart will always be here in College Station, even if I cannot be.

Going forward, I harbor a great deal of concern about the future of College Station city government. Will city leaders succumb to the temptation to restrict growth and micromanage our economy?

More regulations, fees, and taxes would destroy the jobs that will employ our children and our Aggie graduates in the years ahead. Developers will move elsewhere if it becomes more challenging to build in College Station. Many small businesses, like the one I've built, will not survive if our broader local economy becomes stagnant. And ultimately, as always, the people will suffer the decisions of the policymakers.

As bad as it is to restrict growth, it is equal folly to try and steer it in a politically desirable direction. Economic development policies which try to lure corporations to our community are based on the same illogical thinking that brought down the Soviet Union. Central planning, whether through outright regulation or the picking of winners and losers, is always harmful to the economy in the end, and will ultimately result in poorly allocated resources, less growth, and fewer jobs. Whenever a big business is lured to town via special incentives, our existing small business owners are taxed to pay for it. It is unjust that some businesses should benefit by the decisions of politicians while others do not.

Another unfortunate reality of local politics is that those who can influence policy to their own benefit, do. Special interest groups working to influence policy think of it as the course of business. While not always visible to the general public, the reality is that special interest groups wield a great deal of influence in government at all levels.

Ultimately, the blame for this falls at the feet of government. The bigger our government is and the more regulations there are, the more government policy is left to the whims of bureaucrats and politicians, who are vulnerable to the influence of special interests.

City leaders must also aim to spend as little as possible and leave more in the pockets of taxpayers themselves. As the great free market economist Milton Friedman reminded us, no person spends someone else's money as carefully as he spends his own. Elected officials would do well to recall this around budget time, when some expensive new project is being considered, or when a costly bond is being proposed. Too many politicians and bureaucrats want to have, as part of their legacy, a big visible project somewhere with their name on it. The College Station budget is over $250 million dollars a year, which works out to more than $2500 per person, so the citizenry should be ever vigilant of how their money is being used.

As I look back on my time on council, I'm proud of my record in these three years. I was perhaps the only council candidate ever to make a campaign issue of the return-on-investment transfers from the utility fund to the general fund, which I called the "utility tax" and ran radio ads about. After a year of fighting to reduce the utility tax, citizen awareness led to every candidate in 2011's elections agreeing with reducing the ROI transfers. In both 2011 and 2012's budgets, the utility tax was reduced, preventing further rate increases from occurring.

One of my first successful proposals on council was to increase transparency in city finances by posting all city checks on the internet for our citizens to view. The city subsequently earned the highest possible rating for transparency given by the Texas Comptroller's office.

I successfully pushed for the city to withdraw from the United Nations-backed organization ICLEI, a radical environmentalist group that promotes extreme regulations on development.

Further, I'm proud to have been part of reducing numerous regulations in our city that burdened our small businesses, such as getting rid of a one-size-fits-all color palette for commercial buildings. Another regulation I fought to remove was the ban on food trucks.

Our public safety personnel, and in particular our police department, have been very important to me, as I have consistently advocated for higher police salaries to reward and attract experienced officers, and an expansion of the number of officers. I'm glad to have seen both occur during my time on council.

More important than anything I've done was what I have not done. I have not voted to regulate your life. I have not voted to spend your money on wasteful projects. I have not voted to expand the power of government.

It is no secret that I have voted "no" on quite a few things, but never without good reason. Every vote I have cast has had a principle behind it. If an ordinance, project, or any other measure before the council has violated one of my principles, I have not voted for it.

I have erred on the side of caution in my voting because government is the only entity in the world legally allowed to use force. If we pass a law, we are saying that the issue is important enough that people should lose their liberty or their property if they are found in violation of it. Given that, the only laws I am truly comfortable with passing are those that protect our rights and provide for core services of the city. I have never been, and never will be smart enough to use my own discretion in telling you how to live your life. The ugly truth is, no politicians are. We are all, myself included, tempted to pass unnecessary laws of choice. We must only pass those laws that are truly necessary.

As I said before, whether you've agreed or disagreed with my positions, you have always known where I stood. I will continue to fight for our natural rights and limited government principles throughout my life.

Thank you again for your kindness and encouragement during these years. It has truly been an honor and a privilege to serve you, and I hope that God may bless you and your family richly. May He also bless College Station, Texas A&M, and our entire community in years to come.

God Bless, and Gig' Em,

Jess Fields '10
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Thanks Jess. Best of luck in the future!
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Thank you for your service Jess!
Nom de Plume
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We will be sad to see you go. Thanks for all you've done for the city. Good luck!
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Mr. Fields,

We have certainly exchanged opinions, and I have respected you for being willing to do that.

Though I might have been confused by where you stood at times, I never had any doubt about where that was. Thanks for your patience with me in particular.

I wish you well in your new endeavor, and certainly wish for nothing but the best for you and your new family. I hope your daughter is as perfect as she can be. She will change your life as nothing else can.

Best wishes and drop us a line once in a while.

Jess Fields
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Thank you Harry. And to each of you.

I will certainly drop in from time to time. MyBCS is a part of what makes College Station/Bryan such a vibrant and wonderful community.

God Bless,

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Godspeed, Mr. Fields. And, thank you!
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Jess many thanks for your service. Your conservative values will be missed in our City.
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Good luck in your future endeavors, Jess and enjoy your growing family! Congratulations on all fronts.
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Good luck, Jess. Hope we can find a suitable replacement.
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Thank you for your service! Best of luck on your new adventure and very best wishes for you and your family.
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can we get a tl;dr version?
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Thanks to everyone.
Everything I voted for/against was based only my libertarian principles.
Be wary of those who will still seek office only for personal gain/fame.
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Thank you for your service Jess. Wishing you much success in the next chapter of your life. Some thought you were a voice from the fringe element; I thought you, too often, were the lone voice of reason.
Vox Humana
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We need more local leaders like you. Yes, you were a bit of a contrarian but you are respectful and you are worthy of respect.

Thank you for your service.
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Godspeed to you, sir. May the big guy above bless you, your wife, and your little one to come.
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Thanks for your service to C.S. and for being true to your principles! All the best to you in your new position!
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I remember when you knocked on my door in Castlegate...I liked you then. I like you more now.
I voted for you because your worldview and philosophy lined up with mine. You did a splendid job, never compromising your beliefs.
You are my view of what a political office holder should be. You love our Country and the American way of life. You are suspicious of the power and scope of government and it's desire to grow ever more authoritarian.

You see Jess, I've run for office 4 times in Brazos County, never winning. I was a bit more outspoken about my conservatism, which probably was my downfall. You were the Ronald Reagan of Brazos County and I greatly admire you both.

God Bless you and keep you in the cleft of His rock.
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You were a breath of fresh air on our council. Well done.
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Good job! Best wishes for your future and your family.
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I'm struck by the disconnect between this thread and the reactions I've heard from some neighbors and friends about the news that Jess won't run again.

On this thread, there's a lot of Jess-love.

My personal networks indicate a very different reaction. I talked to a half-dozen neighbors and friends -- just about all of them pretty conservative -- and they were unanimously happy to hear that Jess won't run again. If I could sum up the sentiment, it would be something like "Long on speeches, short on accomplishments, unable to work well with others."

Some of their points might be debatable, but not the "long on speeches" part -- as is evidenced by his dissertation-length farewell to us above.

Personally, I'm happy Jess isn't running again. He's a better fit in an organization working to spread his Tea Party Gospel than he is in an organization (like the CoCS city council) where, in order to accomplish anything, one has to listen to others and find common ground. It takes others' votes to pass anything. Jess seemed completely uninterested in listening to others on the council to figure out how to get (just about) anything he wanted passed. It felt like Jess didn't need to listen to his colleagues on the council, because he always already knew what the right thing to do was.

But I wish Jess best of luck in the future, and a lifetime of happiness with his growing family. I just think our city will be better off with him not on our council.
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Thanks for all you did Jess. You were a breath of fresh air on the council. I'm sad to see you go, but I know you are on to bigger and better. Enjoy the ride!
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Yes, you need 4 votes to make an impact. Agreed.
And there's good folks like yourself who have the Rodney King approach..."Can't we all just get along?"

The Steve Esmonds, Swiki Andersons, Jana McMillians and Jess Fields of the world are not trying to "get along and play nice."

We have enough John McCains and Lindsey Grahams in the world...politicians who have made a career out of spending other people's money.

Jess was not BHO. Jess was upfront about his philosophy and voted that way. He didn't say one thing and do another.

Amazing isn't it?

Rock on Jess!
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Well said Nutman. Well said indeed. I have considered running many time and then I think of what Swiki and Steve had to put up with.
Thanks again Jess.
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Who the heck are your neighbors? When I run into my neighbors we usually talk about our gardens, so I don't know their views on the Council (from their yard signs there's a mix of political views, probably well to the left of your neighborhood, since they're to the left of me). I sure don't get the sense that my neighbors or colleagues follow the council closely enough to talk about who makes long speeches.

McMillan's rep about not getting along was bad enough to penetrate my fog of inattention. I never got the sense that Jess was in the same mold, even if he voted against the majority a lot.

I assume that some of the love for Jess here is because he was enough of a standup guy to come here and post under his own name and not use a sock.
Anna Molly
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The Steve Esmonds, Swiki Andersons, Jana McMillians...

WHOAH.That's where you should have stopped.

While CM Fields was fond of voting NO (sometimes on seemingly everything!), his opposition was nothing like the craptastic train wrecks that marked the time of when those 3 were on Council. *shudder*

[This message has been edited by bossycowcow (edited 6/14/2013 6:57p).]
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Tradishun's "personal networks" prolly consist of the mirrors in his house.
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Tradishun is a hardcore leftist, so I'm willing to believe his little network probably isn't too fond of anyone right of Obama.

Another unfortunate reality of local politics is that those who can influence policy to their own benefit, do. Special interest groups working to influence policy think of it as the course of business. While not always visible to the general public, the reality is that special interest groups wield a great deal of influence in government at all levels.

Ultimately, the blame for this falls at the feet of government. The bigger our government is and the more regulations there are, the more government policy is left to the whims of bureaucrats and politicians, who are vulnerable to the influence of special interests.

This was never more evident than when I met Nancy Berry at the TEA party event at Wolf Pen a few years back, after she had just decided to run for mayor. I asked her what she thought about Welborn's right to incorporate, and she insisted that Welborn should be free to do as they wished, and if she were elected she'd fight to give them that right. I voted for her because I believed she was principled. Low and behold, right after she took office, her opinion suddenly changed and she became a strong proponent of annexing Welborn - and voted to do do. It was pretty obvious "something" had helped her change her mind on the Welborn issue - and it's pretty obvious based on her subsequent actions, she was only at the TEA party even to dupe people for votes. A supreme lack of principles.

[This message has been edited by chosin (edited 6/14/2013 8:54p).]
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Jess, Thank you for your leadership and efforts in our community. I live on the outside of town but have always appreciated your willingness to stand tall for your beliefs and ideals. Gig 'em and God Bless!
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I merely expressed a view -- politely -- that i and others I know are happy that he's not running, and don't view him as an effective council member. And the reaction from the usual suspects is to name call. I can't say I'm surprised.
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Thanks Jess.
Ragnar Danneskjold
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Honestly, the best representative on any level Ive ever voted for

Someone who actually cared how his votes would affect his constituents and not how it would effect his perceived legacy in a town where more money and other people's property are handed out freely.

[This message has been edited by Ragnar Danneskjold (edited 6/17/2013 12:26p).]
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