Topic. Looking for best wood to use when setting lattice foundation for a 70'x30' driveway. Have 15 bags of quick-Crete to get the job done.
BlueDeviledAg said:
Topic. Looking for best wood to use when setting lattice foundation for a 70'x30' driveway. Have 15 bags of quick-Crete to get the job done.
BlueDeviledAg said:
Topic. Looking for best wood to use when setting lattice foundation for a 70'x30' driveway. Have 15 bags of quick-Crete to get the job done.
How long are you planning on this job taking you? Typically, you would form it up and poor it one day. Then strip the forms off the next day or the day after. If it's a weekend job, perhaps you leave the forms on until the next week. That's still not going to come close to causing the forms to rotBlueDeviledAg said:
Yeah for the form. Untreated, ok-- I don't want it to rot, so that's good. This is a favor I'm doing for my brother in law
BlueDeviledAg said:
Yeah for the form. Untreated, ok-- I don't want it to rot, so that's good. This is a favor I'm doing for my brother in law
Ribeye-Rare said:
OP may want to just hire a contractor to do it.
BlueDeviledAg said:
Topic. Looking for best wood to use when setting lattice foundation for a 70'x30' driveway. Have 15 bags of quick-Crete to get the job done.
Old Sarge said:
Get a cheap pump up sprayer and form oil/form release to coat the boards to be used as forms. I've used a light cheap cooking oil in a pinch. They will break loose from the concrete much easier.
So, so many. And it just keeps coming.Brush Country said:
So many OBers getting trolled.
ConstructionAg01 said:
Since it seems you aren't trolling, here's my actual advice on what to do:
Google "Longview ready mix concrete". You'll get results for TXI, Transit, and Contractor's Supplies. Between those three options, someone should be able to give you a recommendation on a small concrete contractor in the area capable of installing 2100sf of driveway. Someone who does good work, been around a while, pays them (the supplier) on time, etc.
FYI, you'd need 1155 bags of quikrete for 2100sf at 4" and 1470 if it was 5" thick. You're gonna be dealing with trucks and should need about 26 CY for 4" and 33 CY for 5" (neither of those figures include waste factor or allow for a thickened edge condition). I'll guess they're charging $120/CY in that area so you are looking at around $3600 for concrete material. Remesh will run you about $1400 for 175 sheets. None of those numbers matter much because your concrete guy will most likely include everything for a turnkey price. Expect something in the range of $9500 to $13000 depending on prep work, concrete thickness, access to the work area, and other factors.
BlueDeviledAg said:
Yes, that's right. I talked to my BIL last night and attempted to explain the complexity. We're looking into contractors for him in the Longview area. Any recs?